Next Generation Clinic occupies leading positions in the field of reproductive medicine, the treatment of female and male infertility, cytogenetic and molecular-genetic studies.
NGC is the famous Russian clinic, which is located in St.Peterburg.
NGC is a modern medical centre that specializes in infertility treatment via ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) methods. If infertility diagnostics show that pharmaceutical treatment does not work, then patients are invited to try ART. NGC uses modern embryology equipment and our staff features experienced reproduction and embryology specialists. We also provide patients with unique treatment methods and an expansive bank of sperm and eggs. This makes efficient usage of all ART methods and ensures a female patient the birth of a healthy baby.
对于欧洲和亚洲不孕不育患者,生殖和遗传学医院Next Generation Clinic 所提供的辅助生育技术在俄罗斯处于遥遥领先的位置。
对于欧洲和亚洲不孕不育患者,生殖和遗传学医院Next Generation Clinic 所提供的辅助生育技术在俄罗斯处于遥遥领先的位置。
在NGC医院内有自己的遗传学实验室,可以使用高通量测序NGS方法按照序列MiSeq Illumina进行植入前基因诊断。
在13th line of vasilevsky island, bld. 10 а Vasileostrovskaya station
俄罗斯Petrovsky prospect, 2, building 3
俄罗斯Mendeleyevskaya Liniya, 3, St Petersburg, 俄羅斯199034
St Petersburg, Leningrad, Russia
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