CRHG is the first center in the US to offer genetic testing of embryos without a biopsy. Non-invasive PGT is a method based on sequencing the genomic DNA secreted into the culture medium from the human blastocyst. We are using this new method as it is highly accurate and far less invasive than Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS).
PGS has been widely used to select in vitro-fertilized embryos free of chromosomal abnormalities and to improve the clinical outcome of in vitro fertilization (IVF). The main disadvantage of PGS is that it requires a biopsy of the preimplantation human embryo, which can limit the clinical applicability of PGS due to the invasiveness and complexity of the process. Previously biopsying an embryo was the only option, but this requires cutting cells out of the embryo to test for genetic abnormalities and potentially decreasing the embryo quality by 2-5%. Now with this new technology, we offer by doing Non-Invasive PGT it results in zero damage to the embryo, therefore a higher pregnancy rate. This invasive approach can have negative influences on development of the embryo.
Patients that are interested in Non-invasive PGT will first come in for a consultation with Dr. Sam Najmabadi. Once the patient has started IVF, the ICSI technique is used to fertilize an egg with sperm. We will grow the embryo to blastocyst, then once it reaches the blastocyst stage we collect the liquid from the dish the embryo has been cultured in and we test the liquid. Chromosome screening can be done with this liquid instead of biopsying the embryo.
Please give our offices a call today if you would like to set up a consultation for this procedure or have any additional questions.
美国3661 Valley Centre Dr., Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92130
美国16633 Ventura Blvd Suite #1330, Encino, CA 91436
美国11425 El Camino Real San Diego,CA,92130
美国8700 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048
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